Boys Name in Hindi- बच्चों के नाम एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं, क्योंकि वे न केवल पहचान का प्रतीक होते हैं, बल्कि व्यक्ति के भविष्य और उसकी पहचान पर भी असर डालते हैं। खासकर लड़कों के नाम, जो उनके व्यक्तित्व और समाज में उनकी छवि को प्रभावित करते हैं। भारतीय संस्कृति में Boys Name in Hindi का चयन बहुत सोच-समझकर किया जाता है, क्योंकि प्रत्येक नाम का एक विशेष अर्थ और महत्व होता है।
यह नाम अक्सर परिवार, परंपरा और धार्मिक मान्यताओं के आधार पर चुने जाते हैं, जो लड़के के जीवन की दिशा और उद्देश्य को प्रकट करते हैं।
Boy Name List in Hindi – (Boys Name in Hindi) – Top 20 most popular boys name 2025
Here’s a table with the list of boys’ names in Hindi:
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | आर्यन (Aaryan) |
2 | अदित्य (Aditya) |
3 | करण (Karan) |
4 | कृष्ण (Krishna) |
5 | रवि (Ravi) |
6 | अंश (Ansh) |
7 | सिद्धार्थ (Siddharth) |
8 | विवान (Vivaan) |
9 | प्रयाग (Prayag) |
10 | समीर (Sameer) |
11 | जय (Jay) |
12 | यश (Yash) |
13 | विराज (Viraj) |
14 | शिव (Shiv) |
15 | नमित (Namith) |
16 | ध्रुव (Dhruv) |
17 | आदित्य (Aditya) |
18 | उन्मेष (Unmesh) |
19 | साक्षी (Saakshi) |
20 | कविन (Kavin) |
M se Name Boy in Hindi – 15 Boys name 2024 hindu
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | मयंक (Mayank) |
2 | मोहित (Mohit) |
3 | मृणाल (Mrinlal) |
4 | मनोज (Manoj) |
5 | महेश (Mahesh) |
6 | मिहिर (Mihir) |
7 | मुदित (Mudit) |
8 | मुग्ध (Mugdh) |
9 | मृगांक (Mrigank) |
10 | मनीष (Manish) |
11 | मोहसिन (Mohsin) |
12 | महेंद्र (Mahendra) |
13 | मनस्वी (Mansvi) |
14 | मल्लिक (Mallik) |
15 | मिनाक्ष (Minaksh) |
H se Name Boy in Hindi – 15 boys name in english
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | हरष (Harsh) |
2 | हर्षित (Harshit) |
3 | हिमांशु (Himanshu) |
4 | हरिदास (Haridas) |
5 | हरेंद्र (Harendra) |
6 | हितेश (Hitesh) |
7 | हरेश (Haresh) |
8 | हेमंत (Hemant) |
9 | हृषिकेश (Hrishikesh) |
10 | हिम्मत (Himmat) |
11 | हुमा (Huma) |
12 | हार्दिक (Hardik) |
13 | हर्षवर्धन (Harshvardhan) |
14 | हरीश (Harish) |
15 | हर्षदीप (Harshdeep) |
Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with S in Hindi
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | सूरज (Suraj) |
2 | साहिल (Sahil) |
3 | संजय (Sanjay) |
4 | सिद्धार्थ (Siddharth) |
5 | समीर (Sameer) |
6 | शिव (Shiv) |
7 | सलिल (Salil) |
8 | साक्षी (Saakshi) |
9 | शंकर (Shankar) |
10 | सुशील (Sushil) |
11 | सर्वेश (Sarvesh) |
12 | सागर (Sagar) |
13 | शुभम (Shubham) |
14 | शेष (Shesh) |
15 | सम्राट (Samrat) |
P se Name Boy in Hindi – 15 letter boy names
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | पार्थ (Parth) |
2 | प्रिंस (Prince) |
3 | प्रतीक (Prateek) |
4 | पंकज (Pankaj) |
5 | प्रमोद (Pramod) |
6 | पियूष (Piyush) |
7 | परेश (Paresh) |
8 | प्रवीण (Praveen) |
9 | पवन (Pawan) |
10 | प्रीत (Preet) |
11 | पुण्य (Punya) |
12 | पंकज (Pankaj) |
13 | पाश (Paash) |
14 | प्रतीक (Pratik) |
15 | पथिक (Pathik) |
T se Name Boy in Hindi – 15 Boys name in hindi
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | तरुण (Tarun) |
2 | तन्मय (Tanmay) |
3 | तुषार (Tushar) |
4 | तेजस (Tejas) |
5 | तनुज (Tanuj) |
6 | त्रिपुरारी (Tripurari) |
7 | त्रिभुवन (Tribhuwan) |
8 | तारक (Tarak) |
9 | तपन (Tapan) |
10 | तन्वी (Tanvi) |
11 | तसवीर (Tasveer) |
12 | ठाकुर (Thakur) |
13 | तेजव (Tejav) |
14 | तारान (Taran) |
15 | तनिम (Tanim) |
1008 Names of Lord Shiva in Hindi for Baby Boy – 50 boys name in english
1 to 50 Names of Lord Shiva:
- महादेव (Mahadev) – The Great God
- शिव (Shiv) – The auspicious one
- शंकर (Shankar) – Benefactor, One who gives happiness
- रुद्र (Rudra) – The fierce one
- भोलानाथ (Bholanath) – Lord of the simpleton
- नटराज (Nataraj) – The king of dance
- महाकाल (Mahakal) – The eternal time
- सदाशिव (Sadhashiv) – Ever auspicious
- कैलाशनाथ (Kailashnath) – Lord of Mount Kailash
- त्रिनेत्र (Trinetra) – One with three eyes
- गंगाधर (Gangadhar) – Bearer of the Ganges
- विश्वेश्वर (Vishweshwar) – Lord of the Universe
- अर्धनारीश्वर (Ardhanarishwar) – Half woman, half man
- चंद्रशेखर (Chandrashekhar) – One who wears the moon on his head
- कपालिन (Kapalin) – One who wears a skull
- भीम (Bheem) – Terrible, Powerful
- पाशुपत (Pashupat) – Lord of all creatures
- महेश्वर (Maheshwar) – The great god
- शूलधारी (Shooldhari) – One who holds the trident
- वृणी (Vrin) – The divine devotee
- जटाधारी (Jatadhari) – One who wears matted hair
- सर्वेश्वर (Sarveshwar) – Lord of all
- मृत्युञ्जय (Mritunjay) – Conqueror of death
- नंदीश्वर (Nandishwar) – Lord Nandi, the divine bull
- धरतीपति (Dhritipati) – Lord of the earth
- पद्मलिंग (Padmaling) – The one with the lotus emblem
- अग्निलिंग (Agniling) – The one who is like fire
- रमण (Ramana) – The one who gives joy
- विरभद्र (Virbhadra) – A fierce form of Lord Shiva
- कृष्ण (Krishna) – Dark, Lord Krishna (another manifestation)
- महासंकर (Mahasankar) – The great benefactor
- सिद्धेश्वर (Siddheshwar) – Lord of Siddhas
- आधार (Aadhar) – The foundation of the universe
- प्रचंड (Prachanda) – Terrible, Intense
- गह्वर (Gahvar) – The one who is in the cave (symbolic of deep meditation)
- वीरभद्र (Veerbhadra) – A powerful form of Lord Shiva
- शक्तिवर्धन (Shaktivardhan) – One who increases power
- कपालकुण्डल (Kapalkundal) – One with earrings and a skull
- धर्मनाथ (Dharmanath) – Lord of Dharma
- शिवशंकर (Shivshankar) – The one who is auspicious and gives happiness
- ब्रह्मेश्वर (Brahmeshwar) – Lord of Brahma
- स्मरनाथ (Smarnath) – Lord of remembrance
- स्वयंभू (Swayambhu) – Self-created, one who is self-manifested
- एकद्रष्टा (Ekadrishta) – One with a single view, focused
- ऋषभ (Rishabh) – The bull, symbol of Lord Shiva
- दीक्षित (Deekshit) – Initiated, one who has been consecrated
- दिगंबर (Digambar) – The one who is sky-clad
- सिद्धार्थ (Siddharth) – One who has attained perfection
- शिवराज (Shivraj) – Kingdom of Shiva
- आधिनाथ (Adhinath) – Lord of all, master of all
51 to 108 Names of Lord Shiva: – Top 100 boys names list hindu
- त्रिपुरारी (Tripurari) – The one who destroyed the three cities (Tripura)
- सर्वज्ञ (Sarvagnya) – The all-knowing
- अणिमेष (Animesh) – One with unblinking eyes
- चिदानंद (Chidanand) – The one who is full of consciousness and bliss
- कर्मयोगी (Karmayogi) – The one who follows the path of action
- नववर्ष (Navavarsha) – The one who symbolizes a new beginning
- हृदयेश्वर (Hridayeshwar) – Lord of hearts
- रामकृष्ण (Ramkrishna) – The name of both Lord Rama and Lord Krishna combined
- मंगलमूर्ति (Mangalmurti) – The symbol of auspiciousness
- मधुसूदन (Madusudana) – Killer of the demon Madhu
- आदित्य (Aditya) – The Sun, son of Aditi
- कालेश्वर (Kaleshwar) – Lord of time
- विक्रम (Vikram) – A name denoting bravery and valor
- पुराणेश्वर (Puraneshwar) – Lord of the Puranas
- श्रीनिवास (Shrinivas) – Abode of wealth, prosperity
- निर्गुण (Nirgun) – The one who has no attributes
- विष्णुपत्नी (Vishnupatni) – Consort of Vishnu, relating to the divine feminine energy
- पंचमुखी (Panchmukhi) – The one with five faces
- शिवतत्व (Shivatattva) – The essence of Shiva
- मुक्तेश्वर (Mukteshwar) – Lord of liberation
- हिमालय (Himalaya) – The one who resides in the Himalayas
- सचिदानंद (Sachidanand) – One who is the essence of truth, consciousness, and bliss
- वर्धमान (Vardhman) – The one who brings progress
- शर्व (Sharv) – The bestower of all good
- दक्षिणामूर्ति (Dakshinamurti) – The one who faces south, the teacher of knowledge
- राजेश्वर (Rajeshwar) – The Lord of Kings
- सुरेश्वर (Sureshwar) – The Lord of gods
- सिध्धि (Siddhi) – Success, perfection
- सुर्यनाथ (Suryanath) – Lord of the Sun
- चरणारविंद (Charanāravind) – Lotus feet, symbolizing devotion
- कृपानिधि (Kripanidhi) – The treasure of mercy
- तत्त्वग्य (Tattvagya) – The knower of the ultimate truth
- एकपद (Ekpad) – The one with one foot (symbolizing unity)
- महेश्वरनाथ (Maheshwarnath) – Lord of Maheshwar (another name of Shiva)
- धार्मिक (Dharmik) – One who follows the path of righteousness
- विवेक (Vivek) – Discrimination between right and wrong
- हयग्रीव (Hayagriva) – The one with a horse’s head
- कृष्णेश्वर (Krishneshwar) – Lord of Krishna
- दत्तात्रेय (Dattatreya) – The son of Atri and Anasuya, a combined form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
- चिंतामणि (Chintamani) – The wish-fulfilling gem
- शिवाय (Shivaya) – The one who is auspicious and pure
- देवाधिदेव (Devadhidev) – Lord of all the gods
- कैलासनाथ (Kailasanath) – Lord of Kailash
- नमः शिवाय (Namah Shivaya) – I bow to Shiva, a powerful mantra
- दोषनाशक (Doshnashak) – The destroyer of sins
- साधक (Sadhak) – The one who is a practitioner or devotee
- नित्यनाथ (Nityanath) – Eternal Lord
- भुवनेश्वर (Bhuvaneshwar) – Lord of the earth
- ऋषभ (Rishabh) – Bull, the vehicle of Shiva
- पार्वतीपति (Parvatipati) – Husband of Parvati
- शिवलिंग (Shivling) – The symbol of Lord Shiva
- नन्दीश्वर (Nandishwar) – The Lord of Nandi, Shiva’s vehicle
- जपेश्वर (Japeswar) – The one who is recited in mantras
- शिवप्रिया (Shivpriya) – One who is dear to Lord Shiva
- शिवशक्ति (Shivshakti) – The power of Shiva
- कल्याण (Kalyan) – The auspicious, the one who brings welfare
- त्रिपुरान्तक (Tripurantak) – The one who destroyed the three cities (Tripura)
- उमापति (Umapati) – Husband of Goddess Uma (Parvati)
M Letter Names for Boy Indian in Hindi
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | मयंक (Mayank) |
2 | मोहित (Mohit) |
3 | मृणाल (Mrinlal) |
4 | मनोज (Manoj) |
5 | महेश (Mahesh) |
6 | मिहिर (Mihir) |
7 | मुदित (Mudit) |
8 | मुग्ध (Mugdh) |
9 | मृगांक (Mrigank) |
10 | मनीष (Manish) |
11 | मोहसिन (Mohsin) |
12 | महेंद्र (Mahendra) |
13 | मनस्वी (Mansvi) |
14 | मल्लिक (Mallik) |
15 | मिनाक्ष (Minaksh) |
P Name List Boy in Hindi – (Boys Name in Hindi)
S.No. | Boy Name |
1 | पार्थ (Parth) |
2 | प्रतीक (Prateek) |
3 | पंकज (Pankaj) |
4 | प्रमोद (Pramod) |
5 | पियूष (Piyush) |
6 | परेश (Paresh) |
7 | प्रवीण (Praveen) |
8 | पवन (Pawan) |
9 | प्रीत (Preet) |
10 | पुण्य (Punya) |
11 | पाश (Paash) |
12 | प्रतीक (Pratik) |
13 | पथिक (Pathik) |
14 | परमेश (Parmesh) |
15 | प्रणय (Pranay) |
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some popular Hindi boy names?
Some popular Hindi boy names include:
- Aarav (Peaceful)
- Arjun (Bright, A warrior prince)
- Veer (Brave)
- Raghav (Lord Ram, Descendant of Raghu)
- Vivaan (Full of life)
2. How do I choose a meaningful Hindi name for my baby boy?
To choose a meaningful name, consider the following:
- Cultural significance: Many names are derived from gods, virtues, or positive qualities.
- Numerology: Some people choose names based on numerological significance.
- Personal connection: You may choose a name based on your family, heritage, or something meaningful to you.
- Name meaning: Ensure the meaning of the name reflects your values or aspirations for your child.
3. Are there any traditional Hindi boy names?
Yes, many traditional Hindi boy names are based on deities, virtues, or elements of nature. Some examples include:
- Shiv (Lord Shiva)
- Krishna (Lord Krishna)
- Ram (Lord Ram)
- Rudra (A name for Lord Shiva)
- Kailash (The abode of Lord Shiva)
4. What are some modern Hindi boy names?
Some modern Hindi boy names include:
- Aryan (Noble)
- Vivaan (Full of life)
- Ishaan (Lord Shiva, Sun)
- Reyansh (Part of Lord Vishnu)
- Shaan (Pride, Peace)
5. Can I choose a unique name for my baby boy in Hindi?
Yes! There are many unique Hindi names that are not very common but have a beautiful meaning. You can opt for names like:
- Tanmay (Engrossed, Focused)
- Siddharth (One who has attained his goal)
- Mihir (Sunlight)
- Ayaan (Gift of God)
6. How do Hindi names reflect cultural values?
Hindi names are often chosen based on religious, spiritual, and cultural values. For example:
- God names: Many names like Krishna, Shiv, and Raghav are derived from Hindu deities.
- Virtues: Names like Veer (brave), Yash (glory), and Siddharth (achiever) reflect qualities parents wish for their children.
7. Are there any famous Hindi boy names from mythology?
Yes, many Hindi boy names are inspired by mythology and epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata:
- Arjun (A great warrior from the Mahabharata)
- Lakshman (Brother of Lord Ram)
- Bheem (One of the Pandavas in Mahabharata)
- Krishna (Lord Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita)
8. Can I combine two names to create a unique Hindi name for my son?
Yes, you can combine two names to create a unique and meaningful name for your son. For example:
- Shivendra (Shiv + Indra, meaning Lord Shiva and Lord Indra)
- Rajveer (Raj + Veer, meaning King + Brave)
- Aarvik (Aarav + Vikram, meaning Peaceful + Brave)
9. What are some short and simple Hindi boy names?
Some short and simple names include:
- Ravi (Sun)
- Amit (Incomparable)
- Arya (Noble)
- Neel (Blue)
- Om (Sacred syllable)
10. Are there any names related to nature in Hindi?
Yes, many names are inspired by nature and elements like the sun, moon, earth, and water:
- Aakash (Sky)
- Agni (Fire)
- Varun (God of Water)
- Surya (Sun)
- Chandra (Moon)
यह भी पढ़ें